Mines Left:



Number of Mines:

How this works:

Resize your window, then refresh the page. Now you may enter the width, height, and number of mines you want to play with, and hit New Game. Hold shift to flag a square as having a mine.

To make minesweeper less tedious, the original game uncovers every square adjacent to a zero automatically. We call this Rule 0, and take it two steps further. Rule 1 is uncovering every non-flagged square adjacent to an uncovered square whose number equals the number of flags adjacent to it. In this way, Rule 1 is a generalization of Rule 0, and both uncover squares. In constrast, Rule 2 flags squares. For every uncovered square whose number equals the number of covered squares adjacent to it, all those covered neighbors are flagged. These rules are iterated until no new deductions happen. At this point, it is your turn to use more advanced logic to progress.